My new bulletin board!!
Set up for art today
I wanted to paint the word CREATE today, but didn't have time. Sad.
This class is by far not the most fun of all art classes, but alas it must be done.We went over the rules. "No running around the room." "Stay at the tables." "Paint is messy so paint brushes do not belong over the floor or waving in the air." "We are in art to do art, not to play with toys I forgot." Ya know..the norm. :)
We went over how to use the dry rack. SUCH an important thing to go over that I have forgotten to do the past two years. Things go so much smoother when the children know how to use the dry rack. Art projects don't get ruined and it doesn't pull teachers away from children still doing the project.
We talked a little about Primary and Secondary colors, not our main focus for today but something I really want them to get so we will talk about them a LOT!
The main focus today was setting up our art journals.
This is a good time for them to learn how to use their journals, how to turn only *one* page at time, pretty much my whole system for art journals :)
So here is what we did today:
I really like the purple glue for preschoolers. Then they can see exactly where the glue is and we can point out when they are going overboard.
Gluing in a Picasso quote.
The first page :)
Just the start of this page. They will be finishing it next week.
Just the start...more to come :)
Happy Thursday All!
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